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2024/09/02營業時間異動 Changes in business hours on 2024/09/02

發佈時間 Release time:2024/08/30 13:50:00

因美國勞動節(Labor Day),本工作室比照美國聯邦政府機構2024/09/02放假一天(台灣分部則會是2024/09/02~2024/09/03放假兩天),如有造成不便,請見諒。

Due to Labor Day in the United States, our studio will have a one-day holiday on 2024/09/02 according to the US federal government agencies (the Taiwan branch will have a two-day holiday on 2024/09/02~2024/09/03). If there is any We apologize for the inconvenience.